All in one place
There are many details associated with the development of Honey Creek Ranch. We believe it's important for everyone to have the facts, so we created this website to provide the most current, up-to-date information. How do we know the facts? It's our ranch. For that reason, we want to protect Honey Creek more than anyone. Here are the facts!
Questions and Answers:
What is all this “Save Honey Creek” about?
What exactly is “Honey Creek” and why does it need to be “saved?”
How many houses will be built in the development?
Is this neighborhood in Bulverde or Spring Branch?
When will the development work start?
Why don’t you just use individual septic tanks for each house?
How long will it take for the project to be complete?
Will there be a fire station or EMS nearby?
How bad will this make the traffic on Hwy 46?
What’s this new development going to do to the environment?
Have a question we haven't answered?
How big will the lots be?
Will it be annexed into a city in the future?
Where will you be getting the water?
How much open space will be available to the residents?
Who will provide utilities (electric, phone, broadband, etc.)?
Why didn’t you make the lots bigger so it wouldn’t be so dense?
Will there be any schools nearby?
How will you handle the wastewater?
Will you be cutting down all the trees?
Have you included the community in your plans?